In this blog I am going to discus how over time we as human beings have over reliant on the new technology present in today's world. Also I am going to express my opinion about are relationship with technology.
During my Digital Culture seminar at univ class I saw Google's new gadget called Project Google Glass. Youtube link when I started watching this video I instantly response to this promotion Google Glass video how lazy we have became in this day in age. For example in the video the user of the Google Glass was using the device to locate a specific book while being in the book shop when could have ask the owner of shop to find it for him. When I saw this I naturally came up with the question stated above.
So to answer my own question if we are as a society to reliant on technology such as this new device called Google Glass which is ready to be release early of next year in spring. The gadget which helps us do the basic things and in general makes life easier for us. Its basically an hands free computer system , and in my opinion I think this gadget will do more harm than good for example its quite clear in the video when using theses glasses that you become very focus on them and block out your surroundings what I mean is that there is so many application present on the Google Glasses is that you can become isolated or withdrawn from the world and your surroundings and I believe theses types of technology will be the cause of less physical human interacting in the future which is quite very present at the moment in today world.
For example if you read this ITV article it shows and agrees with what i have stated above about less physical human communicating and lead to a negative effect on how we live and are behaviour . So the answer to my question would be yes we are to over reliant on technology and that reliant is turning into an addiction. However I am aware of the benefits or advantages that technology devices brings like smart phones, tablets and laptops.
Therefore I would not agree with that technology does help us carried out simple and essential tasks on a day to day basics for example Google Glass allows you fast access of maps and also documents and videos in a instant.
Please feedback needed !!!!!