Monday 19 November 2012

Digital Mind Vs Human Mind !!!!

In this blog am going to talk about the Artificial Intelligence and human Intelligence and compare both of them and try to make a decision on which Intelligence is greater or better than either. Also I am going to give my opinion about certain argument which defend  for or against Artificial Intelligence being superior to the human mind.

As you look around in today world its clear that as society we are very dependent technology and  in recent years from my own experiences the debate of digital mind vs human mind is becoming very popular as many people I  have came across with believe its only at matter that Artificial Intelligence  which is the mind of computers we keep evolving and be greater than the human consciousness mind.

During my lecture and seminar I was introduce to two important people who support and against Artificial Intelligence. Kay Kurzweil  is an American  author is popular for being a futurist and strong views about the rapid evolving   process of Artificial Intelligence which has gave him a reputation of predicting the future of Artificial Intelligence. Also  Rodger Penrose is an English mathematical physicist who argues that human consciousness mind is not capable or being present or transferred  in an machine type - of digital computer. 

When analysing this video which is a interview of Kay Kurzweil  at the the Demo Fall release during this year. Kay Kurzweil dicusses about great significant process being made in artficial intelligence which  I agree to as well and the reason why I agree to it is he shows a graph which shows the growth of technology over the years  from big technology machines to small compact portable devices also not only the size of technology products are changing also it mind.

When I say its mind I mean the programming and hardware is changing to you could say the program or software on new technology devices allow you the user to do more things with  it for example compare a mordern moblie phone to a  iphone or google glasses  you can see what you can do on them gadgets compare to a average moblie is limitless. So when looking at the graph in the intreview I straight away agree brecauses the graph pointed out what I have above which the constant process of technology always changing and at the same time getting smarter. Also Kay Kurzweil quotes that this process technology devices and machines getting better and better  becauses we always use computers  of the past to make computers for future .

Futhermore during my lecture learnt that Mr Kay Kurzweil talks about computers passing a test called the turning test which is  a test which will determine if a an computer machine can think. I  fully agree with Kay Kurzweil when saids that computer are getting smarter as  newer computer type machine learnts to do somthin new but for him to say that computers will  keep on getting smarter or evolving  to a level were they can think for them self . It is really something out of the ordinary so when I heard that in my lecture I didnt agree however yet again Mr Kurzweil convice me yet again.

what researching about the futurist Kay Kurzweil on the web so when I came arcoss this article which reports about  Ken Jennning a contestant of on a popular game show called Jeopardy he is the all time leading money winner on the game show. The jeopardy game show is about clues and using clues presented to you to figuire out the question of a certain topicc or answers so for this machine Watson which represents the growing of artifical intelligence to beat the sucessesful game show contantestant at this game this convince that maybe Kay Kurzweil coul be right about artifical inntelligence can one day be the equal  to the  human mind.

Do I  agree with Mr Kay Kurzweil about how smarter artifical intelligence is getting and one day artifical intelligence would be able to think ? to a certain degree yes because its quite clear  to see how technology has envolve.

Rodger Penrose best know for study or research in to human consciousness and  in this article he  talks about how an machine can never again conscious and being aware of its self. Also Mr Rodger Penrose also disagrees with the Turing test he calims that the test cannot proved he a machiene can think.

I disagree with Rodger Penrose I Believe that this turing test can proved artifical intelligence because  the way the test works  is that  the machine must convince a human it is conscious and if does so it must be conscious.

Feedback needing please !!!!1

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Has The History Of Computers And The Internet Play A Big Role On Are Relationship With It

In this blog am going to speak about the history of computers and the internet how understanding and looking at the history of computers in great detail has shape are relationship with computers and the internet either in a postive way or a negative way.

According to history the first computer made was the US Army's Electrical  Integrator and Calculator Machine , and also in the present  time right now I believe were privilege to able use technology of computers. During my Digital Culture semiar we discussed the history of computers and how we look at computers for example what is the  look at the perception of computers in the past or in the present such as this is my opinion my perception of computers are they are great and useful and we should  be proud and feel privilege as generation to able to use computers and the internet.

I am aware that they are many  culture factors which had a  impact in  the history of computers and use of internet therefore this change how we view computers and the internet for exampkle the factors are The US Military Planners , Uniiversity -based Hacker Culture, The Counter Culture and US Corporate Culture.

The Counter Culture is one thoses factors that stands out to me  I and in my opioion this cultural factor play a role in how we view computers and use of the internet. As Counter Culture was establishe in the 1960's who didnt like and was fully against traditional middle class valves and took on Buddhism and Hinduism and also was anti- technology and anti-science.

Even  in todays world I got a pal who hardly use technology  a part from his moblie so to his relationship with computers is not as postive as mine own as as my pal does not like computers as much as me.

so my question is history of computers and the history of the use of the intternet play a big role of how view them and relationship with it ????

Feedback need