Tuesday 6 November 2012

Has The History Of Computers And The Internet Play A Big Role On Are Relationship With It

In this blog am going to speak about the history of computers and the internet how understanding and looking at the history of computers in great detail has shape are relationship with computers and the internet either in a postive way or a negative way.

According to history the first computer made was the US Army's Electrical  Integrator and Calculator Machine , and also in the present  time right now I believe were privilege to able use technology of computers. During my Digital Culture semiar we discussed the history of computers and how we look at computers for example what is the  look at the perception of computers in the past or in the present such as this is my opinion my perception of computers are they are great and useful and we should  be proud and feel privilege as generation to able to use computers and the internet.

I am aware that they are many  culture factors which had a  impact in  the history of computers and use of internet therefore this change how we view computers and the internet for exampkle the factors are The US Military Planners , Uniiversity -based Hacker Culture, The Counter Culture and US Corporate Culture.

The Counter Culture is one thoses factors that stands out to me  I and in my opioion this cultural factor play a role in how we view computers and use of the internet. As Counter Culture was establishe in the 1960's who didnt like and was fully against traditional middle class valves and took on Buddhism and Hinduism and also was anti- technology and anti-science.

Even  in todays world I got a pal who hardly use technology  a part from his moblie so to his relationship with computers is not as postive as mine own as as my pal does not like computers as much as me.

so my question is history of computers and the history of the use of the intternet play a big role of how view them and relationship with it ????

Feedback need


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