Friday 8 February 2013

What is Gamification Any Ideas ????

                                               What is Gamification Any Ideas ????

In this blog I am going to discuss the term Gamification and what it means and it can relate to us in society
also I  am going to give my opinion about the idea Gamification in addition I will highlight if there is a need to apply Gamification in everyday life.

The meaning of Gamification is quite simple it basically means applying game theory concepts and techniques to non- game activities. I myself find that really interesting that we can turn everyday activities into game and this got me thinking and during my seminar class , about how many times from youthful days till now I have turn a situation into a game for example primary school days racing  from an certain distance and in my secondary days when waiting for teacher outside the classroom  so he can teach us maths me and my friends would play an game called pound up which is about who's one pound coin can travel the fastest and hit the wall.

This again got me thinking after thinking about situation I turn to games then I thought about what we get from it when applying Gamification in are daily lives so the question I ask myself was what kind of buzz or thrill we get when using Gamification ?. What I have learnt about the theory about Gamification is that its about   outcomes you want , basically Gamification concept  is central to the risk of rewards system.

 I done some researching  online on why people would apply this theory is it  not childish however.  I came across my articles  in which made change my mind  and  realised  why people including myself apply this concept as I thought about the most boring aspect of my life which unfortunately it was when I was working.
I work in sports direct and certain days it gets really boring and get annoy for example it could be the cause of very non busy day which means hardly any customers in the shop which means I have to stand around and do nothing for whole of my shift.  That would one place I would personally apply Gamification as it would make work fun , and less borning and stop me and others calling in sick.

Futhermore I search  online about Gamification used in the work place and find out about this article 

In this article shows an game made for the work place which  has  a reward system.

Apparently one of the disadvantage and negative point of applying Gamification in the work place which i find out and I don't agree with is that '' with Gamification entering  the workplace , introducing  game mechanics game design into the application , processes,and work - related activities , there is a likely danger that the gender bias will be increased . While games are played by both men and woman, there is a stark difference in what types of games and Gamification approaches men and woman prefer . Studies have show that while men prefer games that emphasize competition, mastery  , destruction , violence , trial ad error , and spatial puzzles (amongst others ), woman prefer emotion ,nurturing , real world connection, learning by example , and dialog and verbal puzzles. In general women represent 42% of all video - gamers , while for mobile and social games women are the majority in the range of 60- 70%''.

In my opinion I believe that the advantages or positive effect of Gamification out weights the disadvantage that I have highlighted above.  For example I believe I am an lazy person so  the other day I apply this Gamification concept to an situation when  I want to put of work I play an basic game I treat myself by as simple as agree to watch some film with my mates but if I  lazy I won't buy chocolate for the day.


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