Saturday 2 February 2013

Inaimate Alice Is Really That Good For Kids


                                             Inaimate Alice Has An  Role!!!!!


In today's seminar we spoke about Inaimate Alice and I am going to discuss why Inaimate Alice should be introduce in the school curriculum. My first impression of Inaimate Alice it was some kind interactive book with gaming features and that was the case. As the formal definition  of this software is this software was ''created as an reading from the screen experience for digital generation, Inaimate Alice stands alongside the best novels for pre- teens and emerging teen readers''.

This software is very unique and different and structure is very creative what  I mean is the interactive videos I watch on the website looks like they are portraying some kind true story which it is doing research on the website. I find out Inaimate Alice is actually tells an true story about  young girl a grows to become an famous and brilliant video game designer. The reason why think its creative is quite obvious is that the story line would easily relate and appeal to its target audience which young teenagers.

This got me thinking and the question that came to me was would this Inaimate Alice software must been seen as great tool to help teach  topics effectively in schools in the curriculum.

I started analysing one of the interactive videos on the website it was the one called hometown episode 4  in the screenshots below you can seen the editing of the contrast or lighting of the first background  image which at the back of an alleyway which for instantly catches my attention straight away.  As the story is about an young girl getting peer pressure into going up an dodge stairs to get a good view to look at something. the quality of the resolution of the image is really good so this plays an part when I watch the video it gave me picture in my head.

To answer my question which is would  Inaimate Alice technology is essential and should be often use in the school curriculum as vital tool to teach. So I done some research  to help answer my question I  came arcoss an review by EdLab  about Inaimate Alice. When I  read his article it took my words out my mouth, I fully agree on his views on Inaimate Alice which is according to EdLab ''The website offers a series of episode following the adventures of Alice , a young girl who travels arcoss the world with her family. Each episode is an interactive multi-media presentation that includes text, images , music and video, and requires user interaction to advance the story . It's designed to provide engaging narratives for the age of digital literacy'' however his concerns are also my concerns which is the problem of Inaimate Alice can't be essential because its purpose and not on its execution such as the purpose is to teach digital literacy, but is this really something that needs to be taught in school ? I would guess that fairly often the students are more digitally literate than the teacher. I am uncertain how much these new resources supplement, and how much they distract from, the central task of teaching reading and writing. The games in particular don't seem to have much connection with the stories , or with reading . The games in particular don't seem to have much connection with stories or with reading. The pictures the music , the videos , all are emotionally effective but take up space at the expense of the writing.''

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