Saturday 27 April 2013

What Augmented Reality Is Really About ?

                                               What Augmented Reality Is Really About ?    

In this blog I will approach the topic which  is the constant process of  news , and environment that can viewed and operated from are phones . I am going to look at the argument that Augmented technology is a success and the way forward  of how we see things in are society today.

A professional definition according to Webopedia website it says  augmented reality  is a type of virtual reality that aims to duplicate the world 's environment in a computer. An  augmented reality system generates
a composite view for the user that is the combination of the real scene viewed by the user and a virtual scene generated by the computer.

In my words augment reality is basically just how we view everything around us. When doing research on the internet i found out how  augment reality is widely recognize as a great tool  that is used by  big companies to promote and persuade they customers such as Boucheron , Tissot , Garrard , Hugo Boss and BMW are companies which have recently started using augment reality to allow consumers to virtually try on the products using smartphones like iPhones and webcam technology.

This question that comes up when   I talk to people about augment reality is how it works and  I think that s a interesting point after doing allot of research on it I will break it down for you I believe augment reality is unique you know video games have been around for so long yeah so image augment reality as a sophisticated video game it works by blurring that small print or line between what's real and what's computer generated it does by adding graphics and sounds etc , its really neat. below is a video one of the world well know clothes shop Hugo Boss using augment reality technology.


In my opinion augment reality is a breath of fresh yeah and brings technology and user together.  its such a creative tool and I encourage it to use be more frequently in a education environments. as they are some rewards of using this technology in schools is can  make learning more from viewing work related things on a three -dimensional models. Another benefit using augment reality in schools , college and university etc , could be students with weak knowledge with computer could enjoy how easier augment reality systems work and even could be use by younger  students or pupils because of how basic it is to use.

Friday 26 April 2013

                                     Cyberstalking  It Happens Be Aware !!!!! Also Know As Preein


 In this blog I am going to talk about a sensitive topic which me an my class mates and teacher  spoke  
    about in  my seminar group which is  a familiar topic in my generation as young people are top users of
       social networking sites such as Facebook , Twitter , and even Instagram , the topic is cyberstalking.
       During this lesson we was lucky to have a guest explained he detail about cyberstalking  she inform us
      about many scenarios which lead to shocking level of cyberstalking. I will highlight these events and give
     my personal opinion on the matter and state prevention.

      According to search security . tech target website its says that cyberstalking is define as a crime which
     the attacker harasses a victim using electronic , communication , such as email or instant messaging
     posted to Web site or a discussion group. A cyberstalker relies upon the anonymity afforded by the
    Internet to allow them to stalk their victim without being detected.

     What people don't realize is that cyberstalking which leads to cyberbulling or worse is become shockingly
     common with teenagers like myself for example I had a female friend who met a boy online however the
    guy become very obsessive  and constantly kept on messaging until she change her Facebook name.
   I think its time more awareness should broadcast in more education faculties like secondary schools ,
   colleges and even university.

 Are you aware according the newspaper guardian cyberstalking is now common than physical harassment
 most of the victims surveyed were aged 20 to 39 although ages ranged 14 to 74 , with teenagers reporting
 social networking sites as the environment in which they were most likely to be harassed.

An psychologist called  Dr . Emma Short from Bedfordshire  view on the cyberstalking was the crime was not taken seriously as it should be  there is a lack of understanding of the impact of this behaviour.

They are many types of cyberstalking that  I want to know about in detail its not only harassing someone thought instant messaging they is making a false profile of someone , posting as a victim and attacking others online , provoking other people like your friends to attack the victim though the Internet  and even following the victim though cyberspace ,This basically  describes virtual world of computers.

Its know that the impact that cyberstalking brings to its victims is really shocking  the impact is actually the fear that the harasser is some where around  or even  living next door to you the fear is real and scary and embarrassing the fear is right as many cyberstalking case enter real life attacks etc.

when doing some research on the topic cyberstalking I  came up with a personal list which if you take on aboard can try help you from be cyberstalk on cyberspace such as number 1 never release information of your home address on cyberspace , number 2  it sounds strange but try conduct a search of yourself using social networking etc. and number 3 if you fink your being cyberstalk act quicky make people aware make sure important details like bank cards are not affect and contact organisation for help who support cyberstsalking victims don't try to make yourself believe its crazy am just imaging things your not.

This video I found online is quite help I recommend you watch it its a interview done by the BBC on Dr . Emma Short views on cyberstalking.

Furthermore I learnt about a WHOA  though countless times researching the topic cyberstalking WHOA is a great volunteer organization founded in the year 1997 which is fighting this cyber crime epidemic  online harassment.  its purpose is to educated the general public  and empower its victims after there attacks .

Below is the address of this organization I do recommend you visit it.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Digital Bodies Yes I Mean Cyborgs and Robots !!!!

                                              Digital Bodies Yes I Mean Cyborgs and Robots !!!!

  In this blog I am going discuss a topic I spoke about in my lecture and seminar class which i found really
 interesting and got me thinking which was the concept of digital bodies and life its self. Also we talk about  about a group certain scientists about the possibility of transferring the human mind on to a computer system such as a hard drive or even a USB etc.

In class I came across the term mind uploading and instantly I  began to think it means moving the mind and putting in some kind of technology form which is rite. According to Wikipedia  mind uploading means the hypothetical process of transferring or copy a conscious mind from a brain to non- biological substrate by scanning and mapping a biological brain in detail and copying its state into a computer system or another com
computational device.

my first reaction why learning about this topic was wow , what might the advantage of this process be , after doing some research online I  find out some advantages which makes me think that mind uploading is not a bad idea if it was to happen in there near future. As the advantages are for example say someone is paralysed in all levels for example the injured that occur to superman actor Christopher Reeve if you could upload the brain to a technology system and put in a digital body its like a avoiding death. Another  benefit I thought about was if are mind where transfer to small technology systems ready to be insert to digital bodies like robots , so by spending most of our time as basically on a system we will consume far less space and use less energy and natural resource than we would as a normal human body. As are ford we not be  organic living things.

However as much as the advantages of mind uploading they are many arguments against  mind uploading such as if you look at social networking sites like Twitter find it really difficult not to crash when too many users are on it image image if it was to happen to people minds and in addition media is always developing just like life nothing stays the same so the technology used for the process of mind uploading would become obsolete over time and be able to last long.

When coming to a conclusion about the topic mind uploading in my opinion I don't agree that the idea of Sigularity  is the forward called me old fashion but  I believe that what you get from life and being in a natural human body is allot and mind uploading if it was to be happen in the future would only be used in certain circumstance.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Cyber Warfare Is Even More Deadly Than Real Combat ???

                                    Cyber Warfare Is Even More Deadly Than  Real Combat ???

 In this blog I am going to discuss the debate about the threat of cyber warfare in our society. Also I am going to explain what is cyber warfare and why society as a whole should and the government need to address these more and work even harder to ensure are safety.

Cyber warfare is one those problems which threats national security which over the years has become increasing more threatening and real concern over the years. Cyber war fare refers to politically motivated hacking to conduct sabotage and espionage. It is a form of information warfare sometimes seen as analogous to conventional warfare, and in 2013 was , for the first time , considered a lager threat Al Qaeda or terrorism, by many U.S intelligence officials.

I think its really shocking and at the same time I  am curious on how the shift of most western security have been from threats from terrorist groups to hacker groups. when  I was carrying out research on this topic , i came across a result of a cyber warfare attack would lead to a Cyber Pearl Harbor , this means basically a cyberspace attack that could disable many information technology services and systems throughout american and its ally countries such the united kingdom.Which could lead many infrastructure that uses computers to suffer or collapse.

The fear Cyber Pear Harbor has prioritise  cyber warfare ahead of combat terrorism.  also sometime happen when adds fuel to the fire of the prospect of a Cyber Pearl Harbor happening , as in the year 2010  Google released information about highly sophisticated and targeted attack on their corporate infrastructure from a chinese source.

 I think the best way to combat cyber warfare and lower the risk of a major attack etc is that world leaders need need improve the relationship with other leaders. I know its seems kind obvious , but if the world can improve the global social skills it puts a dent  towards the threat of cyber attacks , as the way political world leaders relationship is show in the media as very in tense.
 For example a top chinese military officer has said that the damaging consequences caused by cyber war may be as serious as nuclear bomb and he said that he believes it is important to set up the idea that we should jointly work on this issue and set up a mechanism to enhance coordination and cooperation on cyber security .



The Concept Open Access Movement ????


                                        The Concept Open Access Movement ????

In this blog I am going to demonstrate my knowledge about the what is open access in terms in digital culture.Also I want to state its advantages and disadvantage to a range many people , furthermore I will explain how Open Access originated from . I will try to highlight people per

Firstly Open access is the practice of providing unrestricted access via the Internet to peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles. Open is also increasing being provided to theses , scholarly monographs and book chapters. 

Are you aware that Open  Access became some kind social movement in the 1990' s. as the rise of information technologies such the Internet help make new opportunities for global communication. The purpose of Open Access is to make digital scholarly publication freely available to the the public . However many things arise when debating the benefits or weakness of open access by scholars and publishers.

Some publishers and scholars could say the advantages of Open Access is quick distribution of scholarly research for example a article click with the theme of a journal before it can be published etc. also another advantage will be greater visibility of scholarly output for  both the researcher and the research place , this basically means more acknowledgement to both party's etc.

One  disadvantages prestige this means academic faculties like university etc and management teams usually base they judgement of a scholar the research on something taken from a whole and the journal impact factor  from the scholarly journal of what the researcher written or broadcast this is really bad and must stop before we can honestly say we can reply traditional form of publishing with Open Access

According to professor Finch a sociologist base at the University of Manchester he says '' In the longer term, the future lies with open access publishing the UK should recognise this change and should embrace it and should ways of managing it in a measured way''

In my opinion I  agree with this concept I believe Open Access is the way forward  also they are many ways to maintain copyright laws while still being under Open Access for example because Open Access used copyright -holder consent is really does not need the copyright law many people when copyright holders consent to Open Access what are they really consenting to  let me explain they are really consenting in advance to the downloading, copy , sharing , storing , printing , searching and linking etc.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Wikileaks are friend or the ememy !!!!!

                                                    Wikileaks are friend or the ememy !!!!!

In this blog I am going to first highlight the ongoing debate about if Wikileaks have the right to broadcast secrect internal governemt information. As over the years we have seen high- profile dispruts between the government like the US and the hackers. Also  I am going to give my own opioion if I agree on the matter and in addition  I will state some examples of these dispruts , and I will show the postive and negative impact wikileaks have when  they shared information illegally.

 Firstly let remind you about the defintion of wikileaks if you have forgotton basically wikileaks  ''is an Autralian made international organization that publishes anonymous submissions and leaks information etc.

Many people believe the purpose of Wikileaks is to represent freedom and to bring are politicians in government to a new generation where the government trust the citziens and stop trying to control them by  hiding information which as an impact on them.

This video clearly breaks the purpose of wikileaks by Daliy Beast contributor Philip Shenon


Wikileaks works as  the speaker or micphone of the people for example if a individual find out about some information and want every one to know about it  but need to remain anonymous etc wikileak will do it for you as wikileaks provide a number of ways of submitting that information as well ensuring you stat anonymous on the internet.

However many people argue that this trend by hackers fighting for people to share secretive information is not acutally protecting the people it is putting them at risk  and its very dangerous and  the governments keep on trying to shut the down . As information on  diplomacy and governance bussiness shoud not be leak, the founder of wikileaks Julian Assange is seen as cyber messiah  many goverments seen him as a cyber terrorist.

Futhermore one advantage or benefit of the leaks that Wikileaks has brought  was the truth about the Iraq war logs the leaks suggest that tourure was being igored which was shocking . which to greather attention to the subject toture in the Iraq war.

 A when know disprut between the US government and wikileaks which makes me think if wikileaks is doing more damge than good is when the leaking of the content of US diplomatic cables caused dramatic werid hard aggression reaction in different countries than any other of the ealier action on Wikileaks.

So the questuion I ask myself does Wikileaks purpose out ways is flaws ? I fully agree and  I  believe that governments especially the US  government are threated by it as losserns the control the government have which show us any type information they want us to see either good or bad.