Wednesday 24 April 2013

The Concept Open Access Movement ????


                                        The Concept Open Access Movement ????

In this blog I am going to demonstrate my knowledge about the what is open access in terms in digital culture.Also I want to state its advantages and disadvantage to a range many people , furthermore I will explain how Open Access originated from . I will try to highlight people per

Firstly Open access is the practice of providing unrestricted access via the Internet to peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles. Open is also increasing being provided to theses , scholarly monographs and book chapters. 

Are you aware that Open  Access became some kind social movement in the 1990' s. as the rise of information technologies such the Internet help make new opportunities for global communication. The purpose of Open Access is to make digital scholarly publication freely available to the the public . However many things arise when debating the benefits or weakness of open access by scholars and publishers.

Some publishers and scholars could say the advantages of Open Access is quick distribution of scholarly research for example a article click with the theme of a journal before it can be published etc. also another advantage will be greater visibility of scholarly output for  both the researcher and the research place , this basically means more acknowledgement to both party's etc.

One  disadvantages prestige this means academic faculties like university etc and management teams usually base they judgement of a scholar the research on something taken from a whole and the journal impact factor  from the scholarly journal of what the researcher written or broadcast this is really bad and must stop before we can honestly say we can reply traditional form of publishing with Open Access

According to professor Finch a sociologist base at the University of Manchester he says '' In the longer term, the future lies with open access publishing the UK should recognise this change and should embrace it and should ways of managing it in a measured way''

In my opinion I  agree with this concept I believe Open Access is the way forward  also they are many ways to maintain copyright laws while still being under Open Access for example because Open Access used copyright -holder consent is really does not need the copyright law many people when copyright holders consent to Open Access what are they really consenting to  let me explain they are really consenting in advance to the downloading, copy , sharing , storing , printing , searching and linking etc.

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