Tuesday 23 April 2013

Wikileaks are friend or the ememy !!!!!

                                                    Wikileaks are friend or the ememy !!!!!

In this blog I am going to first highlight the ongoing debate about if Wikileaks have the right to broadcast secrect internal governemt information. As over the years we have seen high- profile dispruts between the government like the US and the hackers. Also  I am going to give my own opioion if I agree on the matter and in addition  I will state some examples of these dispruts , and I will show the postive and negative impact wikileaks have when  they shared information illegally.

 Firstly let remind you about the defintion of wikileaks if you have forgotton basically wikileaks  ''is an Autralian made international organization that publishes anonymous submissions and leaks information etc.

Many people believe the purpose of Wikileaks is to represent freedom and to bring are politicians in government to a new generation where the government trust the citziens and stop trying to control them by  hiding information which as an impact on them.

This video clearly breaks the purpose of wikileaks by Daliy Beast contributor Philip Shenon


Wikileaks works as  the speaker or micphone of the people for example if a individual find out about some information and want every one to know about it  but need to remain anonymous etc wikileak will do it for you as wikileaks provide a number of ways of submitting that information as well ensuring you stat anonymous on the internet.

However many people argue that this trend by hackers fighting for people to share secretive information is not acutally protecting the people it is putting them at risk  and its very dangerous and  the governments keep on trying to shut the down . As information on  diplomacy and governance bussiness shoud not be leak, the founder of wikileaks Julian Assange is seen as cyber messiah  many goverments seen him as a cyber terrorist.

Futhermore one advantage or benefit of the leaks that Wikileaks has brought  was the truth about the Iraq war logs the leaks suggest that tourure was being igored which was shocking . which to greather attention to the subject toture in the Iraq war.

 A when know disprut between the US government and wikileaks which makes me think if wikileaks is doing more damge than good is when the leaking of the content of US diplomatic cables caused dramatic werid hard aggression reaction in different countries than any other of the ealier action on Wikileaks.

So the questuion I ask myself does Wikileaks purpose out ways is flaws ? I fully agree and  I  believe that governments especially the US  government are threated by it as losserns the control the government have which show us any type information they want us to see either good or bad.

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