Tuesday 15 January 2013

Facebook Trick Me !!!!!

                                                          Facebook Trick Me !!!!!

In this blog I am going talk about a very poplar topic about how  unaware of the lack of privacy we get when agree or sign up social networking sites such as Facebook , Twitter, Myspace and Bebo.

During my seminar  class we discuss and research specifically about privacy you get or don't get from Facebook. As an Facebook user who uses quite often and uploads many important pictures on to the social networking sites I was quite shock when I found  out from my peers in class that the one of the most best america base social  networking sites has got a new privacy policy which is called data use policy which allows more and more third parties to have access to my data online. This got me really angry and annoyed knowing some one can  have access at will to my personal information and even intimate photos. For example Facebook replaces its privacy policy with data use policy and this means Facebook will use information you give to it according to the privacy setting you have specified , however Facebook will use all the information that i have given to it and that really hurts.

so the question  I ask myself is this new private policy of Facebook a good thing or bad thing but  if i put my personal feeling aside  about Facebook new policy change which i think its not right as someone from a third party could be spying on me. Many people might say Facebook is the biggest social  network in the world  with like at least one billion members as part of the site therefore this got me thinking maybe Facebook due had big it and it is has some many users maybe  this data use policy is way of helping itself comply with its responsibilities which in case vital information is needed from Facebook can be obtain. but on the other hand  the question I could ask myself is that us users of Facebook have lied to and been trick to think Facebook has beloved friend as it it so easier and friendly to use but really this data use policy just reminds us that Facebook is business  and we should not forget that and the purpose of Facebook is to make money as data  use policy allows Facebook to sell are information data to advertisers.

 overall I believe Facebook has cross the line and manipulated  and ignoring  its users. For example did you know that Facebook has stated that it will end its practice of stopping users like myself vote on changes to its privacy policies though it will continue to let users comment on proposed updates and. I think this is another way of telling us users of Facebook that we are not in control of are on personal information on Facebook as a  result of that I now think twice of what personal information or pictures I put on Facebook.

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