Sunday 27 January 2013

The Usefulness Of Wikipedia !!!


 They Always Tell Me Never To Use Wikipedia Like Its Some Kind Of Forbidden Fruit !!!!!!!

In This blog I am going discuss about the problem everyone has against Wikipedia the so called forbidden unreliable website. First of all during my seminar class we spoke about the many things that relate to Wikipedia also as much as I myself used Wikipedia very frequently against  everyone wishes advising me not I never actually never quite knew what Wikipedia was I until know when I done some research in class and find out the formal definition  according to the website  Whatls .com/Wikipedia Wikipedia is an free, open content online encyclopedia created through the collaborative effort of an community  of know know users  know as Wikipedians.

The reason I  myself and many students  enjoy  using Wikipedia is not because were told its bad so it made us want to use it the real  reason why it so popular and we visit it allot it is so easier to you use and I see this as of the strengths and also the weakness of Wikipedia but for now I concentrate on the strengths of this website  which  I regard very highly when doing research work. Wikipedia is very accessible all you got to do is type in what your searching for with Wikipedia at the end in your search engine and instantly your if Wikipedia which they likely to have it will come up. Furthermore one of the common strengths and which makes it  able to have some information on many types of things us as users are looking for is Wikipedia can bed edited by anyone who has the proper permissions and this can attract smart individuals put the input in a certain topic , in my own opinion reminds me of a early old school social networking site instead of swapping  messages and photos like Facebook you swap information.

In addition the weakness and criticism that Wikipedia is the the opposite of being useful such due to the reason that what makes Wikipedia what is being able to edit and change information makes it easy to be corrupt with bad information.

according to Jason Scott an Archivist  says  ''Wikipedia  can be useful reference resource and if you understand how it works or doesn't work in both theory and in practice often very different things can be even more useful. Of course , it's a resource , not the resource. Sadly , many users don't realize this and don't use a wide variety of research and reference tools that are available on the web or via library web site . it's all about the right tool at the right time. Wikipedia is far from perfect this is the case with any reference work but we also have concerns about how it operates''.

Also an video from called The Great Failure Of Wikipedia made by Jason Scott 

However many people may argue that if Wikipedia gives out non - accurate information  and it seen as not useful in getting information so when the Wikipedia blackout occur in January 2012 why did affect so many people? its reported it affect an minimum of at least 50 million users.

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