Saturday 19 January 2013

social media is are mirror

                                               Social Media is are Mirror!!!!!

In this blog I am going to discuss and highlight factors we used to represent ourselves through social  media like social networking sites such as Facebook , Twitter , Myspace also we create websites to represent are self which show and relate to are day to day lives.

during my seminar class we spoke about basically in are world we identify  ourselves with theses factors which are family ,Sub-culture , Gender, Class , Ethnicity ,Nationality and Education and nowadays we do it online. However it quite common that we can misrepresent are self differently on the internet, and then I done some research and I came  across many interesting information which got me thinking about concept on how we can alter  theses factors on the internet. For example I read an  study article which was a study or a survey that suggest that people lie more on social networking sites like twitter and Facebook and also people lie or misrepresent themselves the most online and tend to be honest in person. ,

I was really shock and surprise  but sadly I agree as I myself  has often giving the one of those white lies on social networking site Facebook. So the question I ask myself is why we lie on these social networking ? according to Glenn Wilson a psychologist know his study and hard work on peoples attitude and personality measurement  who claim '' modern technologies such as smartphones , social networking and instant messaging have been hailed innovations in the way people interact removing obstacles to conversation and allowing for openness of discourse  however we sometimes use these means of communication rather than  face to face encounter or a full conversation when we want to be untruthful, as it is easier to fib to someone when we don't have to deal with their reaction or control our own body language. I fully agree with Mr psychologist Glenn Wilson for example I myself has been in a situation  were I lied to my female friend about a her  new outfit on Facebook so I could avoid the grilling and questions about her outfit face to face as  I knew they is a high possibility  that she could catch me out  lying about how nice her outfit his.

when coming to a conclusion the answer to my question is that it easy to do  and we do it because we see it as a culture and common curiosity to lie non - stop on social networking sites , and in my opinion I think its like  urge to lie on Facebook because from my experiences people hardly question your honestly on Facebook and Twitter simple as that.

Furthermore when researching about the topic your identity online  I instantly came across something about catfish and this is a documentary about the process about the bad negative effects of lying about the factors we alter online which in this situation is age. The documentary contains a young man being filmed by his brother and his mate as he builds a romantic relationship with a young woman on the social networking website Facebook who lies to him about her age and her appearances.

I believe this documentary can be warning and awareness symbol to aware people of how people can alter how they represent online, and try to be careful when it comes to online dating lol.

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