Digital cultures unit this year has been a big step for me as its quite all new to me am quite please on what I have learnt during the course which was learning about hackers to learning about artificial mind intelligence which found very interesting.
I believe not only have I learnt about topics I did not know of but I Learnt skills which will help me improve my learning such as to be more creative in my writing and add more of my opinion in my work and don't be afraid write about things I might think its important for the topic. However at the same time I have realize my mistakes which is affecting me progress of my work and my assignments which I plan to improve on next year , which is lack of proof reading my work , time schedule for my work as its quite clear i did not always post my blog on time which left to rush my blogs.
Has I stated above I really enjoy the topic about digital intelligence it really got my attention. the fact its clam by someone who believes that artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence is surprising and shocking.
Just a little recap its Kay Kurzweil a futurist who claims artificial intelligence will past human intelligence in my view I Agree. Also I have set myself new goals that I want to try to achieve more understanding of the relationship between are ourselves and technology , also i want to contribute more in seminar class as i feel i was quite shy at first to ask question or to give feedback on an topic or someone work.
I recommend you watch this video as i watch to try help me improve my understanding of digital cultures.
In this blog I will add a extra topic which was left out which we be useful of teaching digital cultures to future students.
Basically the topic that I believe is very interesting and always overlooked in this year teaching is on how E- Learning is important to us as students at all levels such as secondary school , college and university. I will explain to how important e-learning is to how we learn things now where days as we move to learning using computer systems and electric media .
An professional definition of this is basically refers to use of electronic media and information and communication technologies in education.
I think its quite incredible how we as have adopted the way to learn from e-learning and how affected is when you compared to trying to learn the old fashion way. Personally for me what I have seen as a benefit of e- learning coming from internet base generation is with e-learning gives you online access to course materials anywhere so as a student it means i can study at any time and location that suits me and able to located uni or college work etc or even misplaced work I think this advantage is great as it makes you take control of you own learning and happy now that e - learning system is frequent use to help students in college and secondary as my little informed about his secondary e - learning system called Brampton library which recommend by his teaches to use his work. Another reward I see that we get from e - learning is the increased motivation and instantaneous feedback for example I get so much feedback on Breo by teachers like them email me on the e- learning system which motivates me to go the extra mile.
As I have stated above of benefits e - learning brings to are education furthermore when researching this topic I began to think of the skills you gain in general that can help later in future as I am not really a personally who plays around with my gadgets its just my phone and laptop so learning how to use online tools whats new to me as this year I came across many online learning systems and tools. So the skill you gain is more technology knowledge .
In this blog I will approach the topic which is the constant process of news , and environment that can viewed and operated from are phones . I am going to look at the argument that Augmented technology is a success and the way forward of how we see things in are society today.
A professional definition according to Webopedia website it says augmented reality is a type of virtual reality that aims to duplicate the world 's environment in a computer. An augmented reality system generates
a composite view for the user that is the combination of the real scene viewed by the user and a virtual scene generated by the computer.
In my words augment reality is basically just how we view everything around us. When doing research on the internet i found out how augment reality is widely recognize as a great tool that is used by big companies to promote and persuade they customers such as Boucheron , Tissot , Garrard , Hugo Boss and BMW are companies which have recently started using augment reality to allow consumers to virtually try on the products using smartphones like iPhones and webcam technology.
This question that comes up when I talk to people about augment reality is how it works and I think that s a interesting point after doing allot of research on it I will break it down for you I believe augment reality is unique you know video games have been around for so long yeah so image augment reality as a sophisticated video game it works by blurring that small print or line between what's real and what's computer generated it does by adding graphics and sounds etc , its really neat. below is a video one of the world well know clothes shop Hugo Boss using augment reality technology.
In my opinion augment reality is a breath of fresh yeah and brings technology and user together. its such a creative tool and I encourage it to use be more frequently in a education environments. as they are some rewards of using this technology in schools is can make learning more from viewing work related things on a three -dimensional models. Another benefit using augment reality in schools , college and university etc , could be students with weak knowledge with computer could enjoy how easier augment reality systems work and even could be use by younger students or pupils because of how basic it is to use.
Friday, 26 April 2013
Cyberstalking It Happens Be Aware !!!!! Also Know As Preein
In this blog I am going to talk about a sensitive topic which me an my class mates and teacher spoke
about in my seminar group which is a familiar topic in my generation as young people are top users of
social networking sites such as Facebook , Twitter , and even Instagram , the topic is cyberstalking.
During this lesson we was lucky to have a guest explained he detail about cyberstalking she inform us
about many scenarios which lead to shocking level of cyberstalking. I will highlight these events and give
my personal opinion on the matter and state prevention.
According to search security . tech target website its says that cyberstalking is define as a crime which
the attacker harasses a victim using electronic , communication , such as email or instant messaging
posted to Web site or a discussion group. A cyberstalker relies upon the anonymity afforded by the
Internet to allow them to stalk their victim without being detected.
What people don't realize is that cyberstalking which leads to cyberbulling or worse is become shockingly
common with teenagers like myself for example I had a female friend who met a boy online however the
guy become very obsessive and constantly kept on messaging until she change her Facebook name.
I think its time more awareness should broadcast in more education faculties like secondary schools ,
colleges and even university.
Are you aware according the newspaper guardian cyberstalking is now common than physical harassment
most of the victims surveyed were aged 20 to 39 although ages ranged 14 to 74 , with teenagers reporting
social networking sites as the environment in which they were most likely to be harassed.
They are many types of cyberstalking that I want to know about in detail its not only harassing someone thought instant messaging they is making a false profile of someone , posting as a victim and attacking others online , provoking other people like your friends to attack the victim though the Internet and even following the victim though cyberspace ,This basically describes virtual world of computers.
Its know that the impact that cyberstalking brings to its victims is really shocking the impact is actually the fear that the harasser is some where around or even living next door to you the fear is real and scary and embarrassing the fear is right as many cyberstalking case enter real life attacks etc.
when doing some research on the topic cyberstalking I came up with a personal list which if you take on aboard can try help you from be cyberstalk on cyberspace such as number 1 never release information of your home address on cyberspace , number 2 it sounds strange but try conduct a search of yourself using social networking etc. and number 3 if you fink your being cyberstalk act quicky make people aware make sure important details like bank cards are not affect and contact organisation for help who support cyberstsalking victims don't try to make yourself believe its crazy am just imaging things your not.
This video I found online is quite help I recommend you watch it its a interview done by the BBC on Dr . Emma Short views on cyberstalking.
Furthermore I learnt about a WHOA though countless times researching the topic cyberstalking WHOA is a great volunteer organization founded in the year 1997 which is fighting this cyber crime epidemic online harassment. its purpose is to educated the general public and empower its victims after there attacks .
Below is the address of this organization I do recommend you visit it.
In this blog I am going discuss a topic I spoke about in my lecture and seminar class which i found really
interesting and got me thinking which was the concept of digital bodies and life its self. Also we talk about about a group certain scientists about the possibility of transferring the human mind on to a computer system such as a hard drive or even a USB etc.
In class I came across the term mind uploading and instantly I began to think it means moving the mind and putting in some kind of technology form which is rite. According to Wikipedia mind uploading means the hypothetical process of transferring or copy a conscious mind from a brain to non- biological substrate by scanning and mapping a biological brain in detail and copying its state into a computer system or another com
computational device.
my first reaction why learning about this topic was wow , what might the advantage of this process be , after doing some research online I find out some advantages which makes me think that mind uploading is not a bad idea if it was to happen in there near future. As the advantages are for example say someone is paralysed in all levels for example the injured that occur to superman actor Christopher Reeve if you could upload the brain to a technology system and put in a digital body its like a avoiding death. Another benefit I thought about was if are mind where transfer to small technology systems ready to be insert to digital bodies like robots , so by spending most of our time as basically on a system we will consume far less space and use less energy and natural resource than we would as a normal human body. As are ford we not be organic living things.
However as much as the advantages of mind uploading they are many arguments against mind uploading such as if you look at social networking sites like Twitter find it really difficult not to crash when too many users are on it image image if it was to happen to people minds and in addition media is always developing just like life nothing stays the same so the technology used for the process of mind uploading would become obsolete over time and be able to last long.
When coming to a conclusion about the topic mind uploading in my opinion I don't agree that the idea of Sigularity is the forward called me old fashion but I believe that what you get from life and being in a natural human body is allot and mind uploading if it was to be happen in the future would only be used in certain circumstance.
Cyber Warfare Is Even More Deadly Than Real Combat ???
In this blog I am going to discuss the debate about the threat of cyber warfare in our society. Also I am going to explain what is cyber warfare and why society as a whole should and the government need to address these more and work even harder to ensure are safety.
Cyber warfare is one those problems which threats national security which over the years has become increasing more threatening and real concern over the years. Cyber war fare refers to politically motivated hacking to conduct sabotage and espionage. It is a form of information warfare sometimes seen as analogous to conventional warfare, and in 2013 was , for the first time , considered a lager threat Al Qaeda or terrorism, by many U.S intelligence officials.
I think its really shocking and at the same time I am curious on how the shift of most western security have been from threats from terrorist groups to hacker groups. when I was carrying out research on this topic , i came across a result of a cyber warfare attack would lead to a Cyber Pearl Harbor , this means basically a cyberspace attack that could disable many information technology services and systems throughout american and its ally countries such the united kingdom.Which could lead many infrastructure that uses computers to suffer or collapse.
The fear Cyber Pear Harbor has prioritise cyber warfare ahead of combat terrorism. also sometime happen when adds fuel to the fire of the prospect of a Cyber Pearl Harbor happening , as in the year 2010 Google released information about highly sophisticated and targeted attack on their corporate infrastructure from a chinese source.
I think the best way to combat cyber warfare and lower the risk of a major attack etc is that world leaders need need improve the relationship with other leaders. I know its seems kind obvious , but if the world can improve the global social skills it puts a dent towards the threat of cyber attacks , as the way political world leaders relationship is show in the media as very in tense.
For example a top chinese military officer has said that the damaging consequences caused by cyber war may be as serious as nuclear bomb and he said that he believes it is important to set up the idea that we should jointly work on this issue and set up a mechanism to enhance coordination and cooperation on cyber security .
In this blog I am going to demonstrate my knowledge about the what is open access in terms in digital culture.Also I want to state its advantages and disadvantage to a range many people , furthermore I will explain how Open Access originated from . I will try to highlight people per
Firstly Open access is the practice of providing unrestricted access via the Internet to peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles. Open is also increasing being provided to theses , scholarly monographs and book chapters.
Are you aware that Open Access became some kind social movement in the 1990' s. as the rise of information technologies such the Internet help make new opportunities for global communication. The purpose of Open Access is to make digital scholarly publication freely available to the the public . However many things arise when debating the benefits or weakness of open access by scholars and publishers.
Some publishers and scholars could say the advantages of Open Access is quick distribution of scholarly research for example a article click with the theme of a journal before it can be published etc. also another advantage will be greater visibility of scholarly output for both the researcher and the research place , this basically means more acknowledgement to both party's etc.
One disadvantages prestige this means academic faculties like university etc and management teams usually base they judgement of a scholar the research on something taken from a whole and the journal impact factor from the scholarly journal of what the researcher written or broadcast this is really bad and must stop before we can honestly say we can reply traditional form of publishing with Open Access
According to professor Finch a sociologist base at the University of Manchester he says '' In the longer term, the future lies with open access publishing the UK should recognise this change and should embrace it and should ways of managing it in a measured way''
In my opinion I agree with this concept I believe Open Access is the way forward also they are many ways to maintain copyright laws while still being under Open Access for example because Open Access used copyright -holder consent is really does not need the copyright law many people when copyright holders consent to Open Access what are they really consenting to let me explain they are really consenting in advance to the downloading, copy , sharing , storing , printing , searching and linking etc.
In this blog I am going to first highlight the ongoing debate about if Wikileaks have the right to broadcast secrect internal governemt information. As over the years we have seen high- profile dispruts between the government like the US and the hackers. Also I am going to give my own opioion if I agree on the matter and in addition I will state some examples of these dispruts , and I will show the postive and negative impact wikileaks have when they shared information illegally.
Firstly let remind you about the defintion of wikileaks if you have forgotton basically wikileaks ''is an Autralian made international organization that publishes anonymous submissions and leaks information etc.
Many people believe the purpose of Wikileaks is to represent freedom and to bring are politicians in government to a new generation where the government trust the citziens and stop trying to control them by hiding information which as an impact on them.
This video clearly breaks the purpose of wikileaks by Daliy Beast contributor Philip Shenon
Wikileaks works as the speaker or micphone of the people for example if a individual find out about some information and want every one to know about it but need to remain anonymous etc wikileak will do it for you as wikileaks provide a number of ways of submitting that information as well ensuring you stat anonymous on the internet.
However many people argue that this trend by hackers fighting for people to share secretive information is not acutally protecting the people it is putting them at risk and its very dangerous and the governments keep on trying to shut the down . As information on diplomacy and governance bussiness shoud not be leak, the founder of wikileaks Julian Assange is seen as cyber messiah many goverments seen him as a cyber terrorist.
Futhermore one advantage or benefit of the leaks that Wikileaks has brought was the truth about the Iraq war logs the leaks suggest that tourure was being igored which was shocking . which to greather attention to the subject toture in the Iraq war.
A when know disprut between the US government and wikileaks which makes me think if wikileaks is doing more damge than good is when the leaking of the content of US diplomatic cables caused dramatic werid hard aggression reaction in different countries than any other of the ealier action on Wikileaks.
So the questuion I ask myself does Wikileaks purpose out ways is flaws ? I fully agree and I believe that governments especially the US government are threated by it as losserns the control the government have which show us any type information they want us to see either good or bad.
The Trend Of Politicians on Twitter is an Bad Thin or Not ?
In this blog I am going about the new trend over couple past years that we are seeing from are seeing from
are politicians using social media personal and politics used. Also I will discuss if its positive as many
negative scandals has come up wish has destroy many politicians careers therefore I ask my self is this
social networking site an self inflicted time bomb for politicians , as there behavior on twitter will be analyze
and Judge.
Did you know the most powerful Politicians like President Barack Obama , Prime minster David Cameron , Deputy Prime minster Nick Clegg and MP Shashi Tharoor from India are members and use twitter
regularly. Its well know that the current president Barack Obama use social networking site in the US american election in 2008 to help him push him in to office for example Mr Barack Obama used Facebook in 2008 not just engage with voters and push his then unknow campaign literature as well as bring attention to his Youtube channel , and this said to be the main factor which help Obama enter the white house at the time it was very different and rare this was one the biggest developments in american politics.
Many people including myself agree e- democracy is the way forward when it comes engaging people to get involve in politics especially my generation as we all know young people really don't care or have interested in politics. for example according to article from the BBC young people don't trust politicians or parties in this article contains figure which shows research that ''found there was a sharp drop in 18 to 24 year old voter turnout at the 2001 general election , it has been low ever since and spiked only slightly at the most recent election in 2010 even though it was a very close contest''.
I believe social media like networking sites like Twitter and Facebook has play a big role in allowing politics and politicians to relate and reach the average person and also its made me personally feel that politicians are regular people even if they come across like spoilt brats however that view has changed now. Also I realize that they are many advantages that social media do which makes politics for me more understandable and closer like for example the advantages of politics working with social media is polls such as when politicians are debating new topics twitter has increasing become one of the best ways to take a look at the reaction of the general public like you can tweet an topic which instanly can been see by many people at once.
In addition where living in an time where soical media in polictis is very useful as the consequences of soical media in polictics is according Adam Conner manager for public policy in Facebook DC office and US elections social media Strategist , he states '' Social media puts pressure on government almost to the point of removing civil society /NGO s and mainstream media from the debate. Informing the great unwashed masses directly is by far the best method to keep both traction and momentum with any policy.''
However many may agure that since politicians started using twitter and other soical networking sites they have embrassed themselves to who new level and it has ended in them losing the carreers and respect and diginty. For example over the years politicians have been involved soical networking sites scandals therefore many people may say that soical networking sites like twitter are like forbidden fruit to an politicans as US politicans like Meg Whitman's , Anthony Weiner Lewd and UK policticans like Lord McAlpine who was rumored to be an child abuser on twitter. So the question I ask myself is soical networking sites are seen as the way politics can reach the common person as politicians trying show them selves as odinary people why do most of them draw in embrassing themselves on soical media site .?
The Digital World Globalization and Digital Divide Its Whats Its About
In this blog I am going explain what the term Globalization and Digital Divide and.also I am going to describe what these terms mean in an digital culture aspect. In addition I will highlight the link between theses terms as one of the other has to happen for the other to occur like a process .During my lecture and seminar classes I came across theses terms and I found it very interesting such as Digital Divide means refers to gap or the distance between people and the common access digital information and digital technology for example access to computers etc some people have limited or completely no access at all around the Globe. Furthermore Globalization which I am quite familiar with means essential means the process of how countries and societies and cultures have came together through a international multi - network system of communication , transportation and trade .
First all as you can see Digital divide means certain are countries or societies more equipped with digital technology than others such as for example an american teenager would naturally own and have access to computer. so the question myself is what causes this ? then I realized that Globalization plays a big role in this factor either in a goo way or in an bad way which leads to poverty.
I done some research and I came across this book Globalization and the Digital Divide By Kirk St. Amant and Bolande Olaniran and according to this book it states '' The first step in addressing problems resulting from global digital divide is to improve understanding that is, organizations and individuals must understand what factors contribute to this global digital divide for them to address it effectively. This collection represents , coordinated actions needed to address such international problems effectively. This collection represents an initial step toward examining the global digital divide from the perspective of developing nations and the challenges their citizens face in today;s error of communication - driven globalization. The entries in this collection each represent different insights on the digital divide from the perspectives of developing nation - many of which have been overlooked in previous discussions of this topic.''
I fully agree with the opinion from this book on how to improve this digital divide problem.
During this week in my lecture and seminar class we spoke and discuss the concept of flow. In this blog I am going define what the concept of flow is I will highlight the man behind the idea of concept flow in addition i will explain the impact the concept of flow can have in school education.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is an well know Hungarian Psychology Professor who states the concept of flow who describes it as ''being completely in activity for its own sake. The ego falls away time flies, every action and movement and thought follows inevitably from the previous one , like playing Jazz. Your whole being is involved, and you're using your skills to the utmost ''.
I done research online on does the concept of flow help improve learning in schools ? . Then I came across an question which is why students need flow in the classroom. I am very aware of one of the most common problems with pupils or students in the classroom which I think even affects me today as an university student is that sometimes I get bored in some class due for some reason am not interested in the material or the boredom can from negative interaction with teachers in seminar classes.
According David Shernoff , an educational psychologist at Northern Illinois University says student engagement - of which flow is the deepest from possible and that involves a combination of motivation , concentration , interest , and enjoyment derived from the process of learning itself- qualities that are essential to Csikzentmihalyi's defintion of flow.
I agree with Mr David Shernoff, if students want to engage and be excited about learning they need to be motivated to learn and enjoy how they do it many school institution are to focused on grades and test results and do not take advantages of kids and young people intrinsic desires to learn new things and the if concept of flow apply in the school environment can be very helpful and can stop students or pupils being bored and not to stressed with there studies game base activities in the learning atmosphere can have make difference.
Mihaly Csikzentmihayi's concept flow involves A challenging activity that require skills, clear goals and immediate feedback , concentration on the task on hand , a sense of control and also an loss of self- consciousness.
In this video of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi about the concept of flow in detail enjoy and talks about characteristics of the concept of flow.
In this blog I am going to discuss the term Gamification and what it means and it can relate to us in society
also I am going to give my opinion about the idea Gamification in addition I will highlight if there is a need to apply Gamification in everyday life.
The meaning of Gamification is quite simple it basically means applying game theory concepts and techniques to non- game activities. I myself find that really interesting that we can turn everyday activities into game and this got me thinking and during my seminar class , about how many times from youthful days till now I have turn a situation into a game for example primary school days racing from an certain distance and in my secondary days when waiting for teacher outside the classroom so he can teach us maths me and my friends would play an game called pound up which is about who's one pound coin can travel the fastest and hit the wall.
This again got me thinking after thinking about situation I turn to games then I thought about what we get from it when applying Gamification in are daily lives so the question I ask myself was what kind of buzz or thrill we get when using Gamification ?. What I have learnt about the theory about Gamification is that its about outcomes you want , basically Gamification concept is central to the risk of rewards system.
I done some researching online on why people would apply this theory is it not childish however. I came across my articles in which made change my mind and realised why people including myself apply this concept as I thought about the most boring aspect of my life which unfortunately it was when I was working.
I work in sports direct and certain days it gets really boring and get annoy for example it could be the cause of very non busy day which means hardly any customers in the shop which means I have to stand around and do nothing for whole of my shift. That would one place I would personally apply Gamification as it would make work fun , and less borning and stop me and others calling in sick.
In this article shows an game made for the work place which has a reward system.
Apparently one of the disadvantage and negative point of applying Gamification in the work place which i find out and I don't agree with is that '' with Gamification entering the workplace , introducing game mechanics game design into the application , processes,and work - related activities , there is a likely danger that the gender bias will be increased . While games are played by both men and woman, there is a stark difference in what types of games and Gamification approaches men and woman prefer . Studies have show that while men prefer games that emphasize competition, mastery , destruction , violence , trial ad error , and spatial puzzles (amongst others ), woman prefer emotion ,nurturing , real world connection, learning by example , and dialog and verbal puzzles. In general women represent 42% of all video - gamers , while for mobile and social games women are the majority in the range of 60- 70%''.
In my opinion I believe that the advantages or positive effect of Gamification out weights the disadvantage that I have highlighted above. For example I believe I am an lazy person so the other day I apply this Gamification concept to an situation when I want to put of work I play an basic game I treat myself by as simple as agree to watch some film with my mates but if I lazy I won't buy chocolate for the day.
In today's seminar we spoke about Inaimate Alice and I am going to discuss why Inaimate Alice should be introduce in the school curriculum. My first impression of Inaimate Alice it was some kind interactive book with gaming features and that was the case. As the formal definition of this software is this software was ''created as an reading from the screen experience for digital generation, Inaimate Alice stands alongside the best novels for pre- teens and emerging teen readers''.
This software is very unique and different and structure is very creative what I mean is the interactive videos I watch on the website looks like they are portraying some kind true story which it is doing research on the website. I find out Inaimate Alice is actually tells an true story about young girl a grows to become an famous and brilliant video game designer. The reason why think its creative is quite obvious is that the story line would easily relate and appeal to its target audience which young teenagers.
This got me thinking and the question that came to me was would this Inaimate Alice software must been seen as great tool to help teach topics effectively in schools in the curriculum.
I started analysing one of the interactive videos on the website it was the one called hometown episode 4 in the screenshots below you can seen the editing of the contrast or lighting of the first background image which at the back of an alleyway which for instantly catches my attention straight away. As the story is about an young girl getting peer pressure into going up an dodge stairs to get a good view to look at something. the quality of the resolution of the image is really good so this plays an part when I watch the video it gave me picture in my head.
To answer my question which is would Inaimate Alice technology is essential and should be often use in the school curriculum as vital tool to teach. So I done some research to help answer my question I came arcoss an review by EdLab about Inaimate Alice. When I read his article it took my words out my mouth, I fully agree on his views on Inaimate Alice which is according to EdLab ''The website offers a series of episode following the adventures of Alice , a young girl who travels arcoss the world with her family. Each episode is an interactive multi-media presentation that includes text, images , music and video, and requires user interaction to advance the story . It's designed to provide engaging narratives for the age of digital literacy'' however his concerns are also my concerns which is the problem of Inaimate Alice can't be essential because its purpose and not on its execution such as the purpose is to teach digital literacy, but is this really something that needs to be taught in school ? I would guess that fairly often the students are more digitally literate than the teacher. I am uncertain how much these new resources supplement, and how much they distract from, the central task of teaching reading and writing. The games in particular don't seem to have much connection with the stories , or with reading . The games in particular don't seem to have much connection with stories or with reading. The pictures the music , the videos , all are emotionally effective but take up space at the expense of the writing.''
World Wide Web Transform To Semantic Web !!!!!!!!!!!!
In this blog I am going to define what the semantic is and the advantages of it and what it means to the World Wide Web. Semantic web concept is basically came from the idea of Tim Berners- Lee an inventor that believes that the web as whole can get smarter to improve users searching.
When researching and thinking about this topic they question that I started to ask myself was do we as a society want and welcome the semantic web ?and also other question was how and it works and what is the advantages of the semantic web. I believe the reason why we need the world wide web to become the semantic web is that semantic works by adding data referred to metadata, application can drive more meaningful data from the web.Furthermore when I was introduce to this topic by teacher in class I really find it very difficult to understand until I search online and find a video on YouTube which explains the concept of semantic web really well.
according to to the website it says that ''the advantages of semantic web depend on the fact that data isn't just stored, it's understand'', this an great example of the purpose of semantic web.
They are many types of advantages which has led people to believe that semantic web is the future did you know one particular which is big advantage to me personally is semantic web lies in tagging as new blogger myself I usually tag many posts with a few key important words about the topic I am talking about . This in turn helps others to find and similar posts.
They Always Tell Me Never To Use Wikipedia Like Its Some Kind Of Forbidden Fruit !!!!!!!
In This blog I am going discuss about the problem everyone has against Wikipedia the so called forbidden unreliable website. First of all during my seminar class we spoke about the many things that relate to Wikipedia also as much as I myself used Wikipedia very frequently against everyone wishes advising me not I never actually never quite knew what Wikipedia was I until know when I done some research in class and find out the formal definition according to the website Whatls .com/Wikipedia Wikipedia is an free, open content online encyclopedia created through the collaborative effort of an community of know know users know as Wikipedians.
The reason I myself and many students enjoy using Wikipedia is not because were told its bad so it made us want to use it the real reason why it so popular and we visit it allot it is so easier to you use and I see this as of the strengths and also the weakness of Wikipedia but for now I concentrate on the strengths of this website which I regard very highly when doing research work. Wikipedia is very accessible all you got to do is type in what your searching for with Wikipedia at the end in your search engine and instantly your if Wikipedia which they likely to have it will come up. Furthermore one of the common strengths and which makes it able to have some information on many types of things us as users are looking for is Wikipedia can bed edited by anyone who has the proper permissions and this can attract smart individuals put the input in a certain topic , in my own opinion reminds me of a early old school social networking site instead of swapping messages and photos like Facebook you swap information.
In addition the weakness and criticism that Wikipedia is the the opposite of being useful such due to the reason that what makes Wikipedia what is being able to edit and change information makes it easy to be corrupt with bad information.
according to Jason Scott an Archivist says ''Wikipedia can be useful reference resource and if you understand how it works or doesn't work in both theory and in practice often very different things can be even more useful. Of course , it's a resource , not the resource. Sadly , many users don't realize this and don't use a wide variety of research and reference tools that are available on the web or via library web site . it's all about the right tool at the right time. Wikipedia is far from perfect this is the case with any reference work but we also have concerns about how it operates''.
Also an video from called The Great Failure Of Wikipedia made by Jason Scott
However many people may argue that if Wikipedia gives out non - accurate information and it seen as not useful in getting information so when the Wikipedia blackout occur in January 2012 why did affect so many people? its reported it affect an minimum of at least 50 million users.
From now I am going to start blogging about various hopefully interesting things about Digital Culture after doing research in class I came across many articles on the internet which told me in bullet points what makes a good blog. Which was be an original with your writing style which means don't be afraid to express yourself for example opinions and constant questioning information and also asking question plays a big role in an successful blog ,also continuity is very important this means updating your blog on a daily basics rather than doing one blog and forget about it because its a fact that the most blogs that attract most readers are the ones which get updated allot. So my aim when doing theses Digital Culture blogs is to apply this in my blog posting.
Furthermore during my seminar class I researched and I told how important blogs and the purpose of it.The purpose of an blog is to share your knowledge with world and see blogging as your microphone to the world.
In addition I myself was surprise on how an internet diary such as an blog can so important such I came saw
An big example on how important and how powerful in terms how much interest it receives is the blog of Beppe Grillo an Italian comedian , blogger and politician his blog it said to have secured its position in the top 10 most visited blogs in the world however his blog does contain content which is about insulting high profile celebrities on his blog.
Overall I feel quite optimistic as I have couple ideas and a n good guideline on what makes a good blog now I got to put it on my posting I hope my blog is very interesting to read how portray my ideas very accurately.
In this blog I am going to discuss and highlight factors we used to represent ourselves through social media like social networking sites such as Facebook , Twitter , Myspace also we create websites to represent are self which show and relate to are day to day lives.
during my seminar class we spoke about basically in are world we identify ourselves with theses factors which are family ,Sub-culture , Gender, Class , Ethnicity ,Nationality and Education and nowadays we do it online. However it quite common that we can misrepresent are self differently on the internet, and then I done some research and I came across many interesting information which got me thinking about concept on how we can alter theses factors on the internet. For example I read an study article which was a study or a survey that suggest that people lie more on social networking sites like twitter and Facebook and also people lie or misrepresent themselves the most online and tend to be honest in person. ,
I was really shock and surprise but sadly I agree as I myself has often giving the one of those white lies on social networking site Facebook. So the question I ask myself is why we lie on these social networking ? according to Glenn Wilson a psychologist know his study and hard work on peoples attitude and personality measurement who claim '' modern technologies such as smartphones , social networking and instant messaging have been hailed innovations in the way people interact removing obstacles to conversation and allowing for openness of discourse however we sometimes use these means of communication rather than face to face encounter or a full conversation when we want to be untruthful, as it is easier to fib to someone when we don't have to deal with their reaction or control our own body language. I fully agree with Mr psychologist Glenn Wilson for example I myself has been in a situation were I lied to my female friend about a her new outfit on Facebook so I could avoid the grilling and questions about her outfit face to face as I knew they is a high possibility that she could catch me out lying about how nice her outfit his.
when coming to a conclusion the answer to my question is that it easy to do and we do it because we see it as a culture and common curiosity to lie non - stop on social networking sites , and in my opinion I think its like urge to lie on Facebook because from my experiences people hardly question your honestly on Facebook and Twitter simple as that.
Furthermore when researching about the topic your identity online I instantly came across something about catfish and this is a documentary about the process about the bad negative effects of lying about the factors we alter online which in this situation is age. The documentary contains a young man being filmed by his brother and his mate as he builds a romantic relationship with a young woman on the social networking website Facebook who lies to him about her age and her appearances.
I believe this documentary can be warning and awareness symbol to aware people of how people can alter how they represent online, and try to be careful when it comes to online dating lol.
In this blog I am going talk about a very poplar topic about how unaware of the lack of privacy we get when agree or sign up social networking sites such as Facebook , Twitter, Myspace and Bebo.
During my seminar class we discuss and research specifically about privacy you get or don't get from Facebook. As an Facebook user who uses quite often and uploads many important pictures on to the social networking sites I was quite shock when I found out from my peers in class that the one of the most best america base social networking sites has got a new privacy policy which is called data use policy which allows more and more third parties to have access to my data online. This got me really angry and annoyed knowing some one can have access at will to my personal information and even intimate photos. For example Facebook replaces its privacy policy with data use policy and this means Facebook will use information you give to it according to the privacy setting you have specified , however Facebook will use all the information that i have given to it and that really hurts.
so the question I ask myself is this new private policy of Facebook a good thing or bad thing but if i put my personal feeling aside about Facebook new policy change which i think its not right as someone from a third party could be spying on me. Many people might say Facebook is the biggest social network in the world with like at least one billion members as part of the site therefore this got me thinking maybe Facebook due had big it and it is has some many users maybe this data use policy is way of helping itself comply with its responsibilities which in case vital information is needed from Facebook can be obtain. but on the other hand the question I could ask myself is that us users of Facebook have lied to and been trick to think Facebook has beloved friend as it it so easier and friendly to use but really this data use policy just reminds us that Facebook is business and we should not forget that and the purpose of Facebook is to make money as data use policy allows Facebook to sell are information data to advertisers.
overall I believe Facebook has cross the line and manipulated and ignoring its users. For example did you know that Facebook has stated that it will end its practice of stopping users like myself vote on changes to its privacy policies though it will continue to let users comment on proposed updates and. I think this is another way of telling us users of Facebook that we are not in control of are on personal information on Facebook as a result of that I now think twice of what personal information or pictures I put on Facebook.